AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - cache manager trace error codes

This is a table of cache manager trace error codes, contained in the 'ZCM' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file.

ZCM error table

Code Value Name Message
0 27315456 CM_TRACE_NULL dummy
1 27315457 CM_TRACE_PAGEIN getapage vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x rw=0x%x
2 27315458 CM_TRACE_PAGEINDONE getapage done code 0x%x pg 0x%lx (0x%x)
3 27315459 CM_TRACE_PAGEOUT putpage vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x flags=0x%x
4 27315460 CM_TRACE_PAGEOUTDONE putpage done code 0x%x #dirty 0x%x
5 27315461 CM_TRACE_PAGEOUTONE putApage vp 0x%lx pag 0x%lx len 0x%x off (0x%x, 0x%x)
6 27315462 CM_TRACE_VMRW vmrw vp 0x%lx, write=0x%x, off=(0x%x, 0x%x), len=(0x%x, 0x%x)
7 27315463 CM_TRACE_STRATEGYDONE strategy done vp 0x%lx code 0x%x left 0x%x
8 27315464 CM_TRACE_FLUSHV flushv vp 0x%lx states 0x%x
9 27315465 CM_TRACE_GETDOWND getdownd vp 0x%lx skip 0x%x index %d coff (0x%x, 0x%x)
10 27315466 CM_TRACE_ACTCCORE ActiveCore vp 0x%lx XoW 0x%x
11 27315467 CM_TRACE_WVCACHE RXAFS_StoreStatus vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
12 27315468 CM_TRACE_TRYTOSMUSH TryToSmush vp 0x%lx len 0x%x
13 27315469 CM_TRACE_STOREPROC StoreProc vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) m.Length (0x%x, 0x%x) alen 0x%x
14 27315470 CM_TRACE_FETCHPROC FetchProc vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) pos (0x%x, 0x%x) size 0x%x
15 27315471 CM_TRACE_SIMPLEVSTAT SimpleVStat vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
16 27315472 CM_TRACE_PROCESSFS ProcessFS vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
17 27315473 CM_TRACE_STOREALL StoreAll vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
18 27315474 CM_TRACE_INVALL InvalAll vp 0x%lx len 0x%x
19 27315475 CM_TRACE_TRUNCALL TruncAll vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
20 27315476 CM_TRACE_GNLINK Gn_link vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
21 27315477 CM_TRACE_GMKDIR Gn_mkdir vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
22 27315478 CM_TRACE_GMKNOD Gn_mknod vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
23 27315479 CM_TRACE_GREMOVE Gn_remove vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
24 27315480 CM_TRACE_GRENAME Gn_rename vp 0x%lx fname %s tname %s (returns 0x%x)
25 27315481 CM_TRACE_GRMDIR Gn_rmdir vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
26 27315482 CM_TRACE_GLOOKUP Gn_lookup vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
27 27315483 CM_TRACE_GFID Gn_fid vp 0x%lx fidp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
28 27315484 CM_TRACE_GOPEN Gn_open vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
29 27315485 CM_TRACE_GCREATE Gn_create vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
30 27315486 CM_TRACE_GCLOSE Gn_close vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
31 27315487 CM_TRACE_GMAP Gn_map vp 0x%lx addr 0x%lx len 0x%x off 0x%x
32 27315488 CM_TRACE_GACCESS Gn_access vp 0x%lx mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
33 27315489 CM_TRACE_GGETATTR Gn_getattr vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
34 27315490 CM_TRACE_GSETATTR Gn_setattr vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
35 27315491 CM_TRACE_GFCLEAR Gn_fclear vp 0x%lx offset 0x%x len 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
36 27315492 CM_TRACE_GFSYNC Gn_fsync vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
37 27315493 CM_TRACE_GFTRUNC Gn_ftrunc vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x len (0x%x, 0x%x) (returns 0x%x)
38 27315494 CM_TRACE_GRDWR Gn_rdwr vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x op 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
39 27315495 CM_TRACE_GLOCKCTL Gn_locktl vp 0x%lx cmd 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
40 27315496 CM_TRACE_GIOCTL Gn_ioctl vp 0x%lx cmd 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
41 27315497 CM_TRACE_GREADLINK Gn_readlink vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
42 27315498 CM_TRACE_GSYMLINK Gn_symlink vp 0x%lx link %s target %s (returns 0x%x)
43 27315499 CM_TRACE_GREADDIR Gn_readdir vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
44 27315500 CM_TRACE_STUFFVCACHE StuffVcache 0x%lx callback host 0x%lx expires %u (in %u secs)
45 27315501 CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE1 Getdcache vp 0x%lx failed to find chunk 0x%x
46 27315502 CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE2 GetdCache vp 0x%lx dcache 0x%lx dcache low-version 0x%x, vcache low-version 0x%x
47 27315503 CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE3 GetdCache tlen 0x%x flags 0x%x abyte (0x%x, 0x%x) Position (0x%x, 0x%x)
48 27315504 CM_TRACE_STOREMINI storemini vp 0x%lx length 0x%x
49 27315505 CM_TRACE_STOREDCACHE StoreDCache vp 0x%lx chunk 0x%x length 0x%x at position 0x%x
50 27315506 CM_TRACE_STOREDCACHEDONE StoreDCache Done for vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
51 27315507 CM_TRACE_STOREALLDONE StoreAll Done vp 0x%lx length 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
52 27315508 CM_TRACE_PROBEDOWN GC Daemon: Checking down servers (every %d secs)
53 27315509 CM_TRACE_PROBEUP GC Daemon: Checking up servers/gc users (every %d secs)
54 27315510 CM_TRACE_PROBEVOLUME GC Daemon: Checking volumes (every %d secs)
55 27315511 CM_TRACE_BKG1 Bkg daemon executing 0x%x request
56 27315512 CM_TRACE_HPSTRAT Strategy vp 0x%lx offset 0x%x size 0x%x count 0x%x
57 27315513 CM_TRACE_HPPAGEOUT pageout vp 0x%lx start 0x%x end 0x%x flags 0x%x
58 27315514 CM_TRACE_HPPAGEIN pagein vp 0x%lx type 0x%x bpages 0x%lx mmf 0x%lx
59 27315515 CM_TRACE_NFSREQH Nfsreq pag 0x%x uid 0x%x host 0x%x nfsclnt struct 0x%lx
60 27315516 CM_TRACE_NFSOUT NfsOut op 0x%x vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
61 27315517 CM_TRACE_NFSIN NfsIn op 0x%x
62 27315518 CM_TRACE_NFSIN1 Nfs Root fid client 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
63 27315519 CM_TRACE_FLUSHPAGES flushpages vp 0x%x data version low 0x%x length 0x%x
64 27315520 CM_TRACE_SYNCVM SyncVM vp 0x%lx length 0x%x
65 27315521 CM_TRACE_PIOCTL Pioctl command 0x%x for vp 0x%lx, follow=%d
66 27315522 CM_TRACE_CHECKCODE Returning code %d from %d
67 27315523 CM_TRACE_CHECKVLDB Did a CheckVLDB call for fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) = %x
68 27315524 CM_TRACE_GETVOL RPC GetVolumeByName for %s ( at 0x%x)
69 27315525 CM_TRACE_ANALYZE Analyze RPC op %d conn 0x%lx code 0x%x user 0x%x
70 27315526 CM_TRACE_SETPAG Setpag returns 0x%x
71 27315527 CM_TRACE_OPEN Open 0x%x flags 0x%x
72 27315528 CM_TRACE_CLOSE Close 0x%lx flags 0x%x
73 27315529 CM_TRACE_WRITE Write vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid (0x%x, 0x%x) file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
74 27315530 CM_TRACE_READ Read vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
75 27315531 CM_TRACE_PARTIALWRITE Partial write vp 0x%lx length (0x%x, 0x%x)
76 27315532 CM_TRACE_GETATTR Getattr vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
77 27315533 CM_TRACE_SETATTR Setattr vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
78 27315534 CM_TRACE_ACCESS Access vp 0x%lx mode 0x%x len (0x%x, 0x%x)
79 27315535 CM_TRACE_LOOKUP Lookup adp 0x%lx name %s fid (%d:%d.%d.%d), code=%d
80 27315536 CM_TRACE_LOOKUP1 Mount point is to vp 0x%lx fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
81 27315537 CM_TRACE_CREATE create file in vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x
82 27315538 CM_TRACE_REMOVE remove dir 0x%lx name %s
83 27315539 CM_TRACE_LINK hard link dir 0x%lx vp %lx name %s
84 27315540 CM_TRACE_RENAME Rename d1 0x%lx name %s to d2 0x%lx name %s
85 27315541 CM_TRACE_MKDIR Mkdir parent 0x%lx entry %s
86 27315542 CM_TRACE_RMDIR Rmdir parent 0x%lx entry %s
87 27315543 CM_TRACE_SYMLINK Symlink dir 0x%lx link %s
88 27315544 CM_TRACE_READLINK readlink 0x%lx
89 27315545 CM_TRACE_FSYNC fsync 0x%lx
90 27315546 CM_TRACE_LOCKDONE %s line %d: Released lock 0x%lx level %d
91 27315547 CM_TRACE_LOCKDOWN %s line %d: Downgraded lock 0x%lx to %d
92 27315548 CM_TRACE_LOCKOBTAIN %s line %d: Obtained lock 0x%lx level %d
93 27315549 CM_TRACE_LOCKSLEPT %s line %d: Slept for lock 0x%lx level %d
94 27315550 CM_TRACE_PAGE_READ 0x%lx called page_read (returned %d) states 0x%x
95 27315551 CM_TRACE_PAGE_WRITE 0x%lx called page_write (returned %d) states 0x%x
96 27315552 CM_TRACE_STOREALLDC StoreAllDCache vp 0x%lx nchunks %x length 0x%x truncpos 0x%x
97 27315553 CM_TRACE_STOREALLDCDONE StoreAllDCache Done for vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
98 27315554 CM_TRACE_AVCLOCKER Vnode Lock vp 0x%lx wait 0x%x excl 0x%x
99 27315555 CM_TRACE_AVCLOCKEE Vnode Lock vp 0x%lx wait 0x%x readers %d waiters %d
100 27315556 CM_TRACE_SHORTREAD osi_Read want %d short %d err 0x%x
101 27315557 CM_TRACE_READFAILED osi_Read failed len %d err 0x%x
102 27315558 CM_TRACE_GETVCDOTDOT GetVCache .. fid (%d.%d.%d.%d) returned 0x%x (err %d)
103 27315559 CM_TRACE_CALLBACK Breaking callback for %lx states %d (volume %d)
104 27315560 CM_TRACE_VREF vcache 0x%lx has ref %d at %d
105 27315561 CM_TRACE_TMP_1S3L %s: %lx %lx %lx
106 27315562 CM_TRACE_TMP_2S2L %s: %s %lx %lx
107 27315563 CM_TRACE_NFS3OUT Nfs3Out op 0x%x vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
108 27315564 CM_TRACE_NFS3IN Nfs3In op 0x%x
109 27315565 CM_TRACE_NFS3IN1 Nfs3 Root fid client 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
110 27315566 CM_TRACE_VGET Vget vp 0x%lx uid %x fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
111 27315567 CM_TRACE_VFSROOT vfs root vp 0x%lx, code %d
112 27315568 CM_TRACE_READOP Iread ip x%lx pos (0x%x, 0x%x) count 0x%x code %x
113 27315569 CM_TRACE_WRITEOP Iwrite ip 0x%lx pos (0x%x, 0x%x) count 0x%x code %x
114 27315570 CM_TRACE_READPAGE Ireadpage ip 0x%lx pp 0x%x count 0x%x code %x
115 27315571 CM_TRACE_UPDATEPAGE Iupdatepage ip 0x%lx pp 0x%x count 0x%x code %d
116 27315572 CM_TRACE_VM_CLOSE VMclose ip 0x%lx mapcnt %d opens %d XoW %d
117 27315573 CM_TRACE_FETCH64 FetchProc for vp = 0x%lx oldserver was %d, found length (0x%x, 0x%x)
118 27315574 CM_TRACE_UFSLINK UFSHandleLink: vp = 0x%lx, tdc 0 0x%lx, len (0x%x, 0x%x)
119 27315575 CM_TRACE_VMRDWR afs_vm_rdwr: vp = 0x%lx, xfrSize 0x%lx, toffset 0x%x
120 27315576 CM_TRACE_READFAST ReadFast vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
121 27315577 CM_TRACE_FETCH64CODE StartRX_FetchData64 for vp 0x%x returned %d
122 27315578 CM_TRACE_FETCH64LENG FetchData64 for vp 0x%x code = %d, length = (0x%x, 0x%x)
123 27315579 CM_TRACE_FETCH64READ FetchData64 for vp 0x%x code = %d, length = 0x%x
124 27315580 CM_TRACE_VMWRITE afs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) length 0x%x
125 27315581 CM_TRACE_VMWRITE2 afs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x first page 0x%x pages %d
126 27315582 CM_TRACE_VMSTOREALL osi_VM_StoreAllSegments for vp 0x%x call %d
127 27315583 CM_TRACE_PARTIALWRITE0 Partial write currDirty %d maxDirty %d
128 27315584 CM_TRACE_DIRECTRDWR direct_rdwr: vp 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x
129 27315585 CM_TRACE_GOPRDWR gop_rdwr: offset (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x resid 0x%x code %d
130 27315586 CM_TRACE_GRDWR1 Gn_rdwr error vp 0x%lx returns %d
131 27315587 CM_TRACE_READTDC UFSRead: vp 0x%lx tdc 0x%x at %d refcount 0x%x
132 27315588 CM_TRACE_MEMFETCH MemFetch: vp 0x%x mceP 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) length 0x%x
133 27315589 CM_TRACE_VMWRITE3 afs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x code %d
134 27315590 CM_TRACE_STOREALL2 StoreAll 2 vp 0x%x chunk 0x%x index %d inode %d
135 27315591 CM_TRACE_MEMOPEN MemOpen blkno %d mceP 0x%x data 0x%x = %s
136 27315592 CM_TRACE_VCACHE2INODE vcache2inode: avc 0x%x event %d
137 27315593 CM_TRACE_STOREDATA64 StoreData64: fid (%d:%d.%d.%d) offs (0x%x, 0x%x) len (0x%x, 0x%x) file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
138 27315594 CM_TRACE_RESIDCMD ResidencyCmd tvc 0x%x command %d fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
139 27315595 CM_TRACE_PREFETCHCMD PrefetchCmd tvc 0x%x tfid (%d:%d.%d.%d) fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
140 27315596 CM_TRACE_STOREPROC2 StoreProc got 0x%x
141 27315597 CM_TRACE_ADJUSTSIZE AdjustSize index %d oldSize %d newSize %d blocksUsed %d
142 27315598 CM_TRACE_SETLENGTH %s line %d: m.Length was (0x%x, 0x%x), now (0x%x, 0x%x)
143 27315599 CM_TRACE_DCACHEWAIT %s line %d: waiting for 0x%x flags 0x%x
144 27315600 CM_TRACE_VNODEREAD UFSRead: tdc 0x%x, offset (0x%x, 0x%x) len (0x%x 0x%x)
145 27315601 CM_TRACE_SLEEP Sleep: evp 0x%x, count %d seq 0x%x evp->seq 0x%x
146 27315602 CM_TRACE_WAKE Wakeup: evp 0x%x, evp->seq 0x%x
147 27315603 CM_TRACE_DENTRYDELETE d_delete inode 0x%x d_name %s/%s
148 27315604 CM_TRACE_DENTRYIPUT d_iput inode 0x%x d_name %s/%s
149 27315605 CM_TRACE_TRYFLUSHDCACHECHILDREN TryFlushDcacheChildren ip 0x%x name %s parent %s
150 27315606 CM_TRACE_DCACHEWAKE %s line %d: waking up waiters for 0x%x flags 0x%x

How to use these codes

XXX text to be written XXX

Registration Policy

XXX text to be written XXX