AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - volume management server error codes This is a table of volume management server error codes, contained in the 'VOLS' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file. ** VOLS error table Code Value Name Message ==== ========== ======================= =========================================== 0 1492325120 VOLSERTRELE_ERROR internal error releasing transaction 1 1492325121 VOLSERNO_OP unknown internal error 2 1492325122 VOLSERREAD_DUMPERROR badly formatted dump 3 1492325123 VOLSERDUMPERROR badly formatted dump(2) 4 1492325124 VOLSERATTACH_ERROR could not attach volume 5 1492325125 VOLSERILLEGAL_PARTITION illegal partition 6 1492325126 VOLSERDETACH_ERROR could not detach volume 7 1492325127 VOLSERBAD_ACCESS insufficient privilege for volume operation 8 1492325128 VOLSERVLDB_ERROR error from volume location database 9 1492325129 VOLSERBADNAME bad volume name 10 1492325130 VOLSERVOLMOVED volume moved 11 1492325131 VOLSERBADOP illegal volume operation 12 1492325132 VOLSERBADRELEASE volume release failed 13 1492325133 VOLSERVOLBUSY volume still in use by volserver 14 1492325134 VOLSERNO_MEMORY out of virtual memory in volserver 15 1492325135 VOLSERNOVOL no such volume 16 1492325136 VOLSERMULTIRWVOL more than one read/write volume 17 1492325137 VOLSERFAILEDOP failed volume server operation ** How to use these codes XXX text to be written XXX ** Registration Policy XXX text to be written XXX