AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - ubik error codes This is a table of ubik error codes, contained in the 'U' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file. ** U error table Code Value Name Message ==== ========== ============= ======================================================== 0 5376 UNOQUORUM no quorum elected 1 5377 UNOTSYNC not synchronization site (should work on sync site) 2 5378 UNHOSTS too many hosts 3 5379 UIOERROR I/O error writing dbase or log 4 5380 UINTERNAL mysterious internal error 5 5381 USYNC major synchronization error 6 5382 UNOENT file not found when processing dbase 7 5383 UBADLOCK bad lock range size (must be 1) 8 5384 UBADLOG read error reprocessing log 9 5385 UBADHOST problems with host name 10 5386 UBADTYPE bad operation for this transaction type 11 5387 UTWOENDS two commits or aborts done to transaction 12 5388 UDONE operation done after abort (or commmit) 13 5389 UNOSERVERS no servers appear to be up 14 5390 UEOF premature EOF 15 5391 ULOGIO error writing log file 16 5392 UBADFAM unsupported address family -- bogus error 17 5393 UBADCELL inconsistent cell name -- bogus error 18 5394 UBADSECGRP security group bad or missing -- bogus error 19 5395 UBADGROUP server group name bad or missing -- bogus error 20 5396 UBADUUID server uuid bad or missing -- bogus error 21 5397 UNOMEM memory allocation failure -- bogus error 22 5398 UNOTMEMBER host not a member of server group -- bogus error 23 5399 UNBINDINGS too many bindings per server -- bogus error 24 5400 UBADPRINNAME inconsistent principal name from binding -- bogus error 25 5401 UPIPE I/O error in ubik pipe -- bogus error 26 5402 UDEADLOCK operation aborted to prevent dead lock (two sync sites?) 27 5403 UEXCEPTION rpc runtime exception caught -- bogus error 28 5404 UTPQFAIL vote thread pool queue operation failed -- bogus error 29 5405 USKEWED clock skew among servers too high -- bogus error 30 5406 UNOLOCK repeatedly failed to obtain ubik lock -- bogus error 31 5407 UNOACCESS permission denied for attempted operation -- bogus error 32 5408 UNOSPC no space left on database device -- bogus error 33 5409 UBADPATH invalid DB pathname -- bogus error 34 5410 UBADF bad file descriptor -- bogus error 35 5411 UREINITIALIZE Reinitialize called before initialize 36 5412 UMUTEXINIT failed to initialize per client mutex 37 5413 UMUTEXDESTROY failed to destroy per client mutex ** How to use these codes XXX text to be written XXX ** Registration Policy XXX text to be written XXX