AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - kaserver error codes

This is a table of kaserver error codes, contained in the 'KA' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file.

KA error table

Code Value Name Message
0 180480 KADATABASEINCONSISTENT AuthServer database is inconsistent
1 180481 KAEXIST user already exists
2 180482 KAIO Ubik I/O error
3 180483 KACREATEFAIL couldn't allocate entry
4 180484 KANOENT user doesn't exist
5 180485 KAEMPTY database empty or corrupted
6 180486 KABADNAME name or instance is too long or contains illegal characters
7 180487 KABADINDEX bad index used internally
8 180488 KANOAUTH caller not authorized
9 180489 KAANSWERTOOLONG answer packet too short for result
10 180490 KABADREQUEST request packet in error
11 180491 KAOLDINTERFACE interface incompatible
12 180492 KABADARGUMENT argument out of range
13 180493 KABADCMD administrative command called incorrectly
14 180494 KANOKEYS can't create session key
15 180495 KAREADPW can't read password from terminal
16 180496 KABADKEY illegal key: bad parity or weak
17 180497 KAUBIKINIT Ubik ClientInit failed
18 180498 KAUBIKCALL Ubik Call failed
19 180499 KABADPROTOCOL AuthServer returned incorrect response
20 180500 KANOCELLS error reading cell database
21 180501 KANOCELL cell name not found
22 180502 KATOOMANYUBIKS too many Ubik security objects outstanding
23 180503 KATOOMANYKEYS too many keys were passed to the server's security object
24 180504 KABADTICKET authentication server was passed a bad ticket
25 180505 KAUNKNOWNKEY unknown key version number
26 180506 KAKEYCACHEINVALID key cache invalidated by some key change
27 180507 KABADSERVER may not issue ticket for server
28 180508 KABADUSER may not authenticate as this user
29 180509 KABADCPW may not change your key
30 180510 KABADCREATE not allowed to create associate
31 180511 KANOTICKET can't find suitable ticket
32 180512 KAASSOCUSER operation not allowed for associate user
33 180513 KANOTSPECIAL not a special AuthServer principal
34 180514 KACLOCKSKEW server and client clocks are badly skewed
35 180515 KANORECURSE not allowed to recursively call set_password from get_time
36 180516 KARXFAIL Rx failed for some reason
37 180517 KANULLPASSWORD zero length password is illegal
38 180518 KAINTERNALERROR internal error encountered in kaserver
39 180519 KAPWEXPIRED password has expired (KAPWEXPIRED)
40 180520 KAREUSED it seems like a reused password (KAREUSED)
41 180521 KATOOSOON you changed it too recently; see your systems administrator (KATOOSOON)
42 180522 KALOCKED ID is locked - see your system admin (KALOCKED)

How to use these codes

XXX text to be written XXX

Registration Policy

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