AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - AFS backup database error codes This is a table of AFS backup database error codes, contained in the 'BUDB' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file. ** BUDB error table Code Value Name Message ==== ========== ========================= ==================================================== 0 156303872 BUDB_DUMPIDEXISTS dump with specified id already exists 1 156303873 BUDB_NODUMPID no dump matching the id was found 2 156303874 BUDB_NODUMPNAME no dump matching the name was found 3 156303875 BUDB_NOTAPENAME no tape matching the name was found 4 156303876 BUDB_NOVOLUMENAME no volume matching the name was found 5 156303877 BUDB_NOENT entry doesn't exist 6 156303878 BUDB_TAPENOTINUSE reference to a tape not being used 7 156303879 BUDB_DUMPFAILED dump of database failed 8 156303880 BUDB_NOTPERMITTED access to database denied 9 156303881 BUDB_VERSIONMISMATCH incompatible version numbers 10 156303882 BUDB_BADARGUMENT argument too long or out of range 11 156303883 BUDB_BADPROTOCOL sequence of operations incorrect 12 156303884 BUDB_BADFLAGS inconsistent or unsupported flags bit combination 13 156303885 BUDB_LIST2BIG requested list too large 14 156303886 BUDB_ENDOFLIST index to iterator function is out of range 15 156303887 BUDB_BLOCKTYPE bad database block type 16 156303888 BUDB_NOTLOCKED lock is not set 17 156303889 BUDB_LOCKED lock is held by another user 18 156303890 BUDB_SELFLOCKED attempt to lock a lock already held 19 156303891 BUDB_OLDINTERFACE interface incompatible 20 156303892 BUDB_IO Ubik I/O error 21 156303893 BUDB_ADDR bad database address 22 156303894 BUDB_DATABASEINCONSISTENT backup database is inconsistent 23 156303895 BUDB_INTERNALERROR internal error encountered in backup database server 24 156303896 BUDB_NOCELLS error reading cell database 25 156303897 BUDB_NOCELL cell name not found 26 156303898 BUDB_EMPTY database empty or corrupted 27 156303899 BUDB_UBIKINIT Ubik ClientInit failed 28 156303900 BUDB_ALLOCFAIL couldn't allocate entry 29 156303901 BUDB_NOMEM can't allocate memory 30 156303902 BUDB_NOTINITIALDUMP dump is not an initial dump 31 156303903 BUDB_DUMPNOTINUSE reference to a dump not being used ** How to use these codes XXX text to be written XXX ** Registration Policy XXX text to be written XXX