%admin tools vos Code Name Message ==== ============================== ========================= 0 ADMVOSSERVERNULL the volume server parameter cannot be NULL 1 ADMVOSCELLHANDLENULL the cell handle parameter cannot be NULL 2 ADMVOSCELLHANDLEBADMAGIC the cell handle parameter failed to pass the magic number test. Most likely the cell handle is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake. 3 ADMVOSCELLHANDLEINVALID the cell handle parameter is marked as invalid. 4 ADMVOSCELLHANDLEINVALIDVOS the cell handle parameter is marked as invalid for volume server requests. 5 ADMVOSCELLHANDLENOAFSTOKENS the cell handle does not contain valid AFS tokens. 6 ADMVOSMUSTBERWVOL the volume identifier parameter must be a read write volume in order to make a backup volume. 7 ADMVOSBACKUPVOLWRONGSERVER a backup volume already exists for volume identifier, but it exists on a server different from the one that holds volumeidentifier. 8 ADMVOSSERVERHANDLENULL the server handle parameter cannot be NULL 9 ADMVOSSERVERHANDLEINVALID the server handle parameter is marked as invalid 10 ADMVOSSERVERHANDLEBADMAGIC the server handle parameter failed the magic number test. Most likely the server handle is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake. 11 ADMVOSSERVERNOCONNECTION a connection with the server could not be established. 12 ADMVOSPARTITIONPNULL the partition parameter cannot be NULL 13 ADMVOSPARTITIONTOOLARGE the partition parameter is too large 14 ADMVOSVOLUMENAMETOOLONG the volume name parameter is too long 15 ADMVOSVOLUMENAMENULL the volume name parameter cannot be NULL 16 ADMVOSVOLUMENAMEINVALID the volume name parameter cannot end with .readonly or .backup 17 ADMVOSVOLUMEID the volume identifier parameter cannot be NULL 18 ADMVOSVOLUMEIDTOOBIG the volume identifier parameter cannot exceed VOLMAXPARTS 19 ADMVOSVOLUMENOEXIST the volume identifier does not exist on the specified server and partition 20 ADMVOSVOLUMENAMEDUP the volume name is already in use. 21 ADMVOSPARTITIONNAMENULL the partition name parameter cannot be NULL 22 ADMVOSPARTITIONNAMEINVALID the partition name parameter must start with /vicep 23 ADMVOSPARTITIONNAMETOOLONG the partition name parameter is too long. 24 ADMVOSPARTITIONNAMETOOSHORT the partition name parameter is too short. 25 ADMVOSPARTITIONNAMENOTLOWER the partition name parameter must be all lower case letters. 26 ADMVOSPARTITIONIDNULL the partition identifier parameter cannot be NULL 27 ADMVOSPARTITIONIDTOOLARGE the resulting partition identifier exceeds VOLMAXPARTS 28 ADMVOSEXCLUDEREQUIRESPREFIX the volume prefix parameter cannot be NULL when the exclude prefix is VOS_EXCLUDE 29 ADMVOSSERVERADDRESSPNULL the server address parameter cannot be NULL 30 ADMVOSSERVERENTRYPNULL the server entry parameter cannot be NULL 31 ADMVOSSERVERTRANSACTIONSTATUSPNULL the server transaction status parameter cannot be NULL 32 ADMVOSVLDBENTRYNULL the vldb entry parameter cannot be NULL 33 ADMVOSVLDBDELETEALLNULL at least one of the arguments must not be null - server handle, partition, volume identifier. 34 ADMVOSNEWVOLUMENAMENULL the new volume name parameter cannot be NULL 35 ADMVOSSERVERANDPARTITION both the server handle and the paritiion parameters must be specified. 36 ADMVOSDUMPFILENULL the dump file parameter cannot be NULL 37 ADMVOSDUMPFILEWRITEFAIL an error occurred while trying to write more data to the dump file 38 ADMVOSDUMPFILEOPENFAIL an error occurred while trying to open dump file 39 ADMVOSRESTOREVOLEXIST the volume to be restored exists on a server different from the one specified and you specified an incremental restore. If you wish to restore this volume, specify a full restore. 40 ADMVOSRESTOREFILEOPENFAIL an error occurred while trying open restore file 41 ADMVOSRESTOREFILECLOSEFAIL an error occurred while trying close restore file 42 ADMVOSRESTOREFILEREADFAIL an error occurred while trying read the restore file 43 ADMVOSRESTOREFILEWRITEFAIL an error occurred while trying send the contents of the restore file 44 ADMVOSRESTOREVOLUMENAMETOOBIG the volume name is too big 45 ADMVOSVOLUMENAMEANDVOLUMEIDNULL either the volume name or the volume identifier parameter must not be NULL 46 ADMVOSVOLUMEPNULL the volume parameter cannot be NULL 47 ADMVOSVOLUMEMOVERWONLY only read write volumes can be moved 48 ADMVOSVOLUMERELEASERWONLY only read write volumes can be released 49 ADMVOSVOLUMENOREPLICAS only replicated volumes can be released 50 ADMVOSVOLUMENOREADWRITE unable to create a backup volume because no read write volume exists 51 ADMVOSVLDBBADENTRY unable to create a backup volume because the vldb entry is invalid 52 ADMVOSVLDBBADSERVER unable to get server's address from vldb 53 ADMVOSVLDBDIFFERENTADDR skipping volume since read write is in a different location 54 ADMVOSVLDBNOENTRIES there were no entries in the vldb retrieved.