AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - admin tools utility error codes This is a table of admin tools utility error codes, contained in the 'AU' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file. ** AU error table Code Value Name Message ==== ========== ========================= ========================================================= 0 21760 ADMUTILSERVERENTRYPNULL the server entry parameter cannot be NULL 1 21761 ADMUTILSERVERNAMENULL the server name parameter cannot be NULL 2 21762 ADMUTILSERVERADDRESSNULL the server address parameter cannot be NULL 3 21763 ADMUTILSERVERADDRESSPNULL the server address parameter cannot be NULL 4 21764 ADMUTILCANTGETSERVERNAME the server name parameter cannot translated to an address 5 21765 ADMUTILCANTOPENCELLSERVDB failed to open the client CellServDB file 6 21766 ADMUTILERRORTEXTPNULL the error text parameter cannot be NULL 7 21767 ADMUTILCELLNAMENULL the cell name parameter cannot be NULL 8 21768 ADMRXCONNNULL the rx connection parameter cannot be NULL 9 21769 ADMRPCPTRNULL the rpc function parameter cannot be NULL 10 21770 ADMUTILRPCSTATSNULL the rpc stats parameter cannot be NULL 11 21771 ADMRPCSTATENULL the state parameter cannot be NULL 12 21772 ADMRPCVERSIONNULL the rpc version parameter cannot be NULL 13 21773 ADMRXDEBUGHANDLENULL the rxdebug handle parameter cannot be null 14 21774 ADMRXDEBUGVERSIONNULL the rxdebug version parameter cannot be null 15 21775 ADMRXDEBUGSTATSNULL the rxdebug stats parameter cannot be null ** How to use these codes XXX text to be written XXX ** Registration Policy XXX text to be written XXX