AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - admin tools pts error codes

This is a table of admin tools pts error codes, contained in the 'AP' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file.

AP error table

Code Value Name Message
0 20480 ADMPTSSERVERNULL the protection server parameter cannot be NULL
1 20481 ADMPTSUSERNAMENULL the user name parameter cannot be NULL
2 20482 ADMPTSUSERNAMETOOLONG the user name parameter is too long
3 20483 ADMPTSGROUPNAMENULL the group name parameter cannot be NULL
4 20484 ADMPTSGROUPNAMETOOLONG the group name parameter is too long
5 20485 ADMPTSFAILEDNAMETRANSLATE failed to translate a name to an identifier
6 20486 ADMPTSNEWOWNERNULL the new owner parameter cannot be NULL
7 20487 ADMPTSNEWOWNERTOOLONG the new owner parameter is too long
8 20488 ADMPTSNEWGROUPNULL the new group parameter cannot be NULL
9 20489 ADMPTSNEWGROUPIDPOSITIVE the new group id parameter cannot be positive
10 20490 ADMPTSTARGETGROUPNULL the target group parameter cannot be NULL
11 20491 ADMPTSTARGETGROUPTOOLONG the target group parameter is too long
12 20492 ADMPTSGROUPPNULL the group parameter cannot be NULL
13 20493 ADMPTSGROUPMEMEXCEEDED the group membership list is longer than the maximum retrievable
14 20494 ADMPTSMEMBERNAMENULL the member name parameter cannot be NULL
15 20495 ADMPTSOLDNAMENULL the old name parameter cannot be NULL
16 20496 ADMPTSOLDNAMETOOLONG the old name is too long
17 20497 ADMPTSNEWNAMENULL the new name parameter cannot be NULL
18 20498 ADMPTSNEWNAMETOOLONG the new name is too long
19 20499 ADMPTSINVALIDGROUPDELETEPERM PTS_GROUP_ANYUSER_ACCESS is an invalid value for the list delete parameter
20 20500 ADMPTSINVALIDGROUPSOWNEDPERM PTS_GROUP_OWNER_ACCESS is an invalid value for the list groups owned parameter
21 20501 ADMPTSINVALIDGROUPSOWNEDPERM2 PTS_USER_ANYUSER_ACCESS is an invalid value for the list groups owned parameter
22 20502 ADMPTSNEWENTRYPNULL the new entry parameter cannot be NULL
23 20503 ADMPTSUSERPNULL the user parameter cannot be NULL
24 20504 ADMPTSNEWGROUPIDNULL the new group id parameter cannot be NULL
25 20505 ADMPTSMAXGROUPIDNULL the maximum group id parameter cannot be NULL
26 20506 ADMPTSNEWUSERIDNULL the new user id parameter cannot be NULL
27 20507 ADMPTSMAXUSERIDNULL the maximum user id parameter cannot be NULL

How to use these codes

XXX text to be written XXX

Registration Policy

XXX text to be written XXX