AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - admin tools common error codes This is a table of admin tools common error codes, contained in the 'AC' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file. ** AC error table Code Value Name Message ==== ========== =========================== ====================================================================================================================================== 0 17152 ADMNOMEM couldn't allocate memory necessary to fulfill request 1 17153 ADMNOPRIV insufficient privilege to complete operation 2 17154 ADMMUTEXINIT failed to initialize a mutex 3 17155 ADMMUTEXLOCK failed to lock a mutex 4 17156 ADMMUTEXUNLOCK failed to unlock a mutex 5 17157 ADMMUTEXDESTROY failed to destroy a mutex 6 17158 ADMCONDINIT failed to initialize a condition variable 7 17159 ADMCONDWAIT failed to wait on a condition variable 8 17160 ADMCONDDESTROY failed to destroy a condition variable 9 17161 ADMCONDSIGNAL failed to signal a condition variable 10 17162 ADMTHREADATTRINIT failed to initialize a thread attribute 11 17163 ADMTHREADATTRSETDETACHSTATE failed to set thread detach state 12 17164 ADMTHREADCREATE failed to create a thread 13 17165 ADMTHREADJOIN failed to join a thread 14 17166 ADMITERATORTERMINATED the iterator has been marked terminated (most likely by calling done). Next cannot be called after calling done. 15 17167 ADMITERATORDONE the iterator has been marked completed. 16 17168 ADMITERATORNULL the iterator parameter cannot be NULL. 17 17169 ADMITERATORRPCSPECIFICNULL the rpc specific data parameter cannot be NULL. 18 17170 ADMITERATORBADMAGICNULL the iterator parameter failed to pass the magic number test. Most likely the iterator is invalid, or has been overwritten by mistake. 19 17171 ADMITERATORINVALID the iterator parameter is marked invalid 20 17172 ADMITERATIONIDPNULL the iterator parameter cannot be NULL nor can it point to NULL 21 17173 ADMSERVERNAMENULL the server name parameter cannot be NULL 22 17174 ADMSERVERADDRESSNULL the server address parameter cannot be NULL 23 17175 ADMCANTGETSERVERNAME the server name parameter cannot translated to an address 24 17176 ADMCANTGETLOCALNAME unable to determine the name of the local host 25 17177 ADMMOREDATA more data is available 26 17178 ADMSOCKFAIL failed to create a socket 27 17179 ADMTYPEINVALID the server type is invalid ** How to use these codes XXX text to be written XXX ** Registration Policy XXX text to be written XXX