AFS Assigned Numbers Registry - cache manager trace error codes

This is a table of cache manager trace error codes, contained in the 'ZCM' error table. A maximum of 256 codes are available in this table. In addition to this table, this data is also available in the form of a com_err error table. The error code values are also available in a C header file.

ZCM error table

127315457CM_TRACE_PAGEINgetapage vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x rw=0x%x
227315458CM_TRACE_PAGEINDONEgetapage done code 0x%x pg 0x%lx (0x%x)
327315459CM_TRACE_PAGEOUTputpage vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x flags=0x%x
427315460CM_TRACE_PAGEOUTDONEputpage done code 0x%x #dirty 0x%x
527315461CM_TRACE_PAGEOUTONEputApage vp 0x%lx pag 0x%lx len 0x%x off (0x%x, 0x%x)
627315462CM_TRACE_VMRWvmrw vp 0x%lx, write=0x%x, off=(0x%x, 0x%x), len=(0x%x, 0x%x)
727315463CM_TRACE_STRATEGYDONEstrategy done vp 0x%lx code 0x%x left 0x%x
827315464CM_TRACE_FLUSHVflushv vp 0x%lx states 0x%x
927315465CM_TRACE_GETDOWNDgetdownd vp 0x%lx skip 0x%x index %d coff (0x%x, 0x%x)
1027315466CM_TRACE_ACTCCOREActiveCore vp 0x%lx XoW 0x%x
1127315467CM_TRACE_WVCACHERXAFS_StoreStatus vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
1227315468CM_TRACE_TRYTOSMUSHTryToSmush vp 0x%lx len 0x%x
1327315469CM_TRACE_STOREPROCStoreProc vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) m.Length (0x%x, 0x%x) alen 0x%x
1427315470CM_TRACE_FETCHPROCFetchProc vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) pos (0x%x, 0x%x) size 0x%x
1527315471CM_TRACE_SIMPLEVSTATSimpleVStat vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
1627315472CM_TRACE_PROCESSFSProcessFS vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
1727315473CM_TRACE_STOREALLStoreAll vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
1827315474CM_TRACE_INVALLInvalAll vp 0x%lx len 0x%x
1927315475CM_TRACE_TRUNCALLTruncAll vp 0x%lx old len (0x%x, 0x%x) new len (0x%x, 0x%x)
2027315476CM_TRACE_GNLINKGn_link vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
2127315477CM_TRACE_GMKDIRGn_mkdir vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
2227315478CM_TRACE_GMKNODGn_mknod vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
2327315479CM_TRACE_GREMOVEGn_remove vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
2427315480CM_TRACE_GRENAMEGn_rename vp 0x%lx fname %s tname %s (returns 0x%x)
2527315481CM_TRACE_GRMDIRGn_rmdir vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
2627315482CM_TRACE_GLOOKUPGn_lookup vp 0x%lx name %s (returns 0x%x)
2727315483CM_TRACE_GFIDGn_fid vp 0x%lx fidp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
2827315484CM_TRACE_GOPENGn_open vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
2927315485CM_TRACE_GCREATEGn_create vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3027315486CM_TRACE_GCLOSEGn_close vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3127315487CM_TRACE_GMAPGn_map vp 0x%lx addr 0x%lx len 0x%x off 0x%x
3227315488CM_TRACE_GACCESSGn_access vp 0x%lx mode 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3327315489CM_TRACE_GGETATTRGn_getattr vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
3427315490CM_TRACE_GSETATTRGn_setattr vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
3527315491CM_TRACE_GFCLEARGn_fclear vp 0x%lx offset 0x%x len 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3627315492CM_TRACE_GFSYNCGn_fsync vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3727315493CM_TRACE_GFTRUNCGn_ftrunc vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x len (0x%x, 0x%x) (returns 0x%x)
3827315494CM_TRACE_GRDWRGn_rdwr vp 0x%lx flags 0x%x op 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
3927315495CM_TRACE_GLOCKCTLGn_locktl vp 0x%lx cmd 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
4027315496CM_TRACE_GIOCTLGn_ioctl vp 0x%lx cmd 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
4127315497CM_TRACE_GREADLINKGn_readlink vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
4227315498CM_TRACE_GSYMLINKGn_symlink vp 0x%lx link %s target %s (returns 0x%x)
4327315499CM_TRACE_GREADDIRGn_readdir vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
4427315500CM_TRACE_STUFFVCACHEStuffVcache 0x%lx callback host 0x%lx expires %u (in %u secs)
4527315501CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE1Getdcache vp 0x%lx failed to find chunk 0x%x
4627315502CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE2GetdCache vp 0x%lx dcache 0x%lx dcache low-version 0x%x, vcache low-version 0x%x
4727315503CM_TRACE_GETDCACHE3GetdCache tlen 0x%x flags 0x%x abyte (0x%x, 0x%x) Position (0x%x, 0x%x)
4827315504CM_TRACE_STOREMINIstoremini vp 0x%lx length 0x%x
4927315505CM_TRACE_STOREDCACHEStoreDCache vp 0x%lx chunk 0x%x length 0x%x at position 0x%x
5027315506CM_TRACE_STOREDCACHEDONEStoreDCache Done for vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
5127315507CM_TRACE_STOREALLDONEStoreAll Done vp 0x%lx length 0x%x (returns 0x%x)
5227315508CM_TRACE_PROBEDOWNGC Daemon: Checking down servers (every %d secs)
5327315509CM_TRACE_PROBEUPGC Daemon: Checking up servers/gc users (every %d secs)
5427315510CM_TRACE_PROBEVOLUMEGC Daemon: Checking volumes (every %d secs)
5527315511CM_TRACE_BKG1Bkg daemon executing 0x%x request
5627315512CM_TRACE_HPSTRATStrategy vp 0x%lx offset 0x%x size 0x%x count 0x%x
5727315513CM_TRACE_HPPAGEOUTpageout vp 0x%lx start 0x%x end 0x%x flags 0x%x
5827315514CM_TRACE_HPPAGEINpagein vp 0x%lx type 0x%x bpages 0x%lx mmf 0x%lx
5927315515CM_TRACE_NFSREQHNfsreq pag 0x%x uid 0x%x host 0x%x nfsclnt struct 0x%lx
6027315516CM_TRACE_NFSOUTNfsOut op 0x%x vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
6127315517CM_TRACE_NFSINNfsIn op 0x%x
6227315518CM_TRACE_NFSIN1Nfs Root fid client 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
6327315519CM_TRACE_FLUSHPAGESflushpages vp 0x%x data version low 0x%x length 0x%x
6427315520CM_TRACE_SYNCVMSyncVM vp 0x%lx length 0x%x
6527315521CM_TRACE_PIOCTLPioctl command 0x%x for vp 0x%lx, follow=%d
6627315522CM_TRACE_CHECKCODEReturning code %d from %d
6727315523CM_TRACE_CHECKVLDBDid a CheckVLDB call for fid (%x:%d.%d.%d) = %x
6827315524CM_TRACE_GETVOLRPC GetVolumeByName for %s ( at 0x%x)
6927315525CM_TRACE_ANALYZEAnalyze RPC op %d conn 0x%lx code 0x%x user 0x%x
7027315526CM_TRACE_SETPAGSetpag returns 0x%x
7127315527CM_TRACE_OPENOpen 0x%x flags 0x%x
7227315528CM_TRACE_CLOSEClose 0x%lx flags 0x%x
7327315529CM_TRACE_WRITEWrite vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid (0x%x, 0x%x) file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
7427315530CM_TRACE_READRead vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
7527315531CM_TRACE_PARTIALWRITEPartial write vp 0x%lx length (0x%x, 0x%x)
7627315532CM_TRACE_GETATTRGetattr vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
7727315533CM_TRACE_SETATTRSetattr vp 0x%lx len (0x%x, 0x%x)
7827315534CM_TRACE_ACCESSAccess vp 0x%lx mode 0x%x len (0x%x, 0x%x)
7927315535CM_TRACE_LOOKUPLookup adp 0x%lx name %s fid (%d:%d.%d.%d), code=%d
8027315536CM_TRACE_LOOKUP1Mount point is to vp 0x%lx fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
8127315537CM_TRACE_CREATEcreate file in vp 0x%lx name %s mode 0x%x
8227315538CM_TRACE_REMOVEremove dir 0x%lx name %s
8327315539CM_TRACE_LINKhard link dir 0x%lx vp %lx name %s
8427315540CM_TRACE_RENAMERename d1 0x%lx name %s to d2 0x%lx name %s
8527315541CM_TRACE_MKDIRMkdir parent 0x%lx entry %s
8627315542CM_TRACE_RMDIRRmdir parent 0x%lx entry %s
8727315543CM_TRACE_SYMLINKSymlink dir 0x%lx link %s
8827315544CM_TRACE_READLINKreadlink 0x%lx
8927315545CM_TRACE_FSYNCfsync 0x%lx
9027315546CM_TRACE_LOCKDONE%s line %d: Released lock 0x%lx level %d
9127315547CM_TRACE_LOCKDOWN%s line %d: Downgraded lock 0x%lx to %d
9227315548CM_TRACE_LOCKOBTAIN%s line %d: Obtained lock 0x%lx level %d
9327315549CM_TRACE_LOCKSLEPT%s line %d: Slept for lock 0x%lx level %d
9427315550CM_TRACE_PAGE_READ0x%lx called page_read (returned %d) states 0x%x
9527315551CM_TRACE_PAGE_WRITE0x%lx called page_write (returned %d) states 0x%x
9627315552CM_TRACE_STOREALLDCStoreAllDCache vp 0x%lx nchunks %x length 0x%x truncpos 0x%x
9727315553CM_TRACE_STOREALLDCDONEStoreAllDCache Done for vp 0x%lx (returns 0x%x)
9827315554CM_TRACE_AVCLOCKERVnode Lock vp 0x%lx wait 0x%x excl 0x%x
9927315555CM_TRACE_AVCLOCKEEVnode Lock vp 0x%lx wait 0x%x readers %d waiters %d
10027315556CM_TRACE_SHORTREADosi_Read want %d short %d err 0x%x
10127315557CM_TRACE_READFAILEDosi_Read failed len %d err 0x%x
10227315558CM_TRACE_GETVCDOTDOTGetVCache .. fid (%d.%d.%d.%d) returned 0x%x (err %d)
10327315559CM_TRACE_CALLBACKBreaking callback for %lx states %d (volume %d)
10427315560CM_TRACE_VREFvcache 0x%lx has ref %d at %d
10527315561CM_TRACE_TMP_1S3L%s: %lx %lx %lx
10627315562CM_TRACE_TMP_2S2L%s: %s %lx %lx
10727315563CM_TRACE_NFS3OUTNfs3Out op 0x%x vp 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
10827315564CM_TRACE_NFS3INNfs3In op 0x%x
10927315565CM_TRACE_NFS3IN1Nfs3 Root fid client 0x%lx fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
11027315566CM_TRACE_VGETVget vp 0x%lx uid %x fid (%x:%d.%d.%d)
11127315567CM_TRACE_VFSROOTvfs root vp 0x%lx, code %d
11227315568CM_TRACE_READOPIread ip x%lx pos (0x%x, 0x%x) count 0x%x code %x
11327315569CM_TRACE_WRITEOPIwrite ip 0x%lx pos (0x%x, 0x%x) count 0x%x code %x
11427315570CM_TRACE_READPAGEIreadpage ip 0x%lx pp 0x%x count 0x%x code %x
11527315571CM_TRACE_UPDATEPAGEIupdatepage ip 0x%lx pp 0x%x count 0x%x code %d
11627315572CM_TRACE_VM_CLOSEVMclose ip 0x%lx mapcnt %d opens %d XoW %d
11727315573CM_TRACE_FETCH64FetchProc for vp = 0x%lx oldserver was %d, found length (0x%x, 0x%x)
11827315574CM_TRACE_UFSLINKUFSHandleLink: vp = 0x%lx, tdc 0 0x%lx, len (0x%x, 0x%x)
11927315575CM_TRACE_VMRDWRafs_vm_rdwr: vp = 0x%lx, xfrSize 0x%lx, toffset 0x%x
12027315576CM_TRACE_READFASTReadFast vp 0x%lx off (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
12127315577CM_TRACE_FETCH64CODEStartRX_FetchData64 for vp 0x%x returned %d
12227315578CM_TRACE_FETCH64LENGFetchData64 for vp 0x%x code = %d, length = (0x%x, 0x%x)
12327315579CM_TRACE_FETCH64READFetchData64 for vp 0x%x code = %d, length = 0x%x
12427315580CM_TRACE_VMWRITEafs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) length 0x%x
12527315581CM_TRACE_VMWRITE2afs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x first page 0x%x pages %d
12627315582CM_TRACE_VMSTOREALLosi_VM_StoreAllSegments for vp 0x%x call %d
12727315583CM_TRACE_PARTIALWRITE0Partial write currDirty %d maxDirty %d
12827315584CM_TRACE_DIRECTRDWRdirect_rdwr: vp 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) resid 0x%x
12927315585CM_TRACE_GOPRDWRgop_rdwr: offset (0x%x, 0x%x) len 0x%x resid 0x%x code %d
13027315586CM_TRACE_GRDWR1Gn_rdwr error vp 0x%lx returns %d
13127315587CM_TRACE_READTDCUFSRead: vp 0x%lx tdc 0x%x at %d refcount 0x%x
13227315588CM_TRACE_MEMFETCHMemFetch: vp 0x%x mceP 0x%x offset (0x%x, 0x%x) length 0x%x
13327315589CM_TRACE_VMWRITE3afs_vm_rdwr: vp 0x%x code %d
13427315590CM_TRACE_STOREALL2StoreAll 2 vp 0x%x chunk 0x%x index %d inode %d
13527315591CM_TRACE_MEMOPENMemOpen blkno %d mceP 0x%x data 0x%x = %s
13627315592CM_TRACE_VCACHE2INODEvcache2inode: avc 0x%x event %d
13727315593CM_TRACE_STOREDATA64StoreData64: fid (%d:%d.%d.%d) offs (0x%x, 0x%x) len (0x%x, 0x%x) file length (0x%x, 0x%x)
13827315594CM_TRACE_RESIDCMDResidencyCmd tvc 0x%x command %d fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
13927315595CM_TRACE_PREFETCHCMDPrefetchCmd tvc 0x%x tfid (%d:%d.%d.%d) fid (%d:%d.%d.%d)
14027315596CM_TRACE_STOREPROC2StoreProc got 0x%x
14127315597CM_TRACE_ADJUSTSIZEAdjustSize index %d oldSize %d newSize %d blocksUsed %d
14227315598CM_TRACE_SETLENGTH%s line %d: m.Length was (0x%x, 0x%x), now (0x%x, 0x%x)
14327315599CM_TRACE_DCACHEWAIT%s line %d: waiting for 0x%x flags 0x%x
14427315600CM_TRACE_VNODEREADUFSRead: tdc 0x%x, offset (0x%x, 0x%x) len (0x%x 0x%x)
14527315601CM_TRACE_SLEEPSleep: evp 0x%x, count %d seq 0x%x evp->seq 0x%x
14627315602CM_TRACE_WAKEWakeup: evp 0x%x, evp->seq 0x%x
14727315603CM_TRACE_DENTRYDELETEd_delete inode 0x%x d_name %s/%s
14827315604CM_TRACE_DENTRYIPUTd_iput inode 0x%x d_name %s/%s
14927315605CM_TRACE_TRYFLUSHDCACHECHILDRENTryFlushDcacheChildren ip 0x%x name %s parent %s
15027315606CM_TRACE_DCACHEWAKE%s line %d: waking up waiters for 0x%x flags 0x%x

How to use these codes

XXX text to be written XXX

Registration Policy

XXX text to be written XXX