Regkey: [HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]
Regkey: [HKCU\SOFTWARE\OpenAFS\Client]
Type: REG_SZ
Default: "-A -M -N -Q"
Function: Shortcut_FixStartup
This value specifies the command line options which should be set as part of the shortcut to afscreds.exe. afscreds.exe rewrites the shortcut each time it exits so as to ensure that the shortcut points to the latest version of the program. This value is used to determine which values should be used for command line parameters. The current user value is checked first; if it does not exist the local machine value is checked.
The following subset of the command line options is appropriate for use in this registry setting:
-A = autoinit |
-M = renew drive maps |
-N = ip address change detection |
-Q = quiet mode. do not display start service dialog if afsd_service is not already running |
-S = show tokens dialog on startup |
-Z = unmap drives |