User-Visible OpenAFS Changes OpenAFS 1.6.14 All server platforms * Prior to the OpenAFS security release 1.6.13, the Volume Location Server (vlserver) RPC VL_ListAttributesN2() supported wildcard volume name lookups via regular expression (regex) pattern matching. This support was completely disabled in 1.6.13 because it was judged to be a security risk due to buffer overruns in the implementation, as well as the possibility of denial of service attacks where certain regular expressions could cause excessive CPU usage in some regex implementations. Unfortunately, after 1.6.13 was released, it was discovered that the native OpenAFS 'backup' system uses the VL_ListAttributesN2() regex support to evaluate configured volume sets. If you use the OpenAFS 'backup' system (or another backup system which relies on it, such as Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM, aka Tivoli ADSM)), and are using volume sets which require regular expressions for the volume name, then those volume sets cannot be resolved by OpenAFS 1.6.13. The next paragraph provides details on how to identify any affected volume sets. OpenAFS backup volume sets may be described by fileserver, partition name, and volume name. The fileserver and partition specifications never require regular expression support. The volume name specification always requires regular expression support except for when specifying _all_ volumes via two special cases: the universal wildcard ".*", or "". For example, volume name "proj" or "*.backup" or "homevol.*" all require regex support - even if the specification contains no wildcard characters and/or exactly matches an existing volume name. As a result of this issue, OpenAFS 1.6.14 replaces the 1.6.13 changes to VL_ListAttributesN2. 1.6.14 prevents the buffer overruns and reenables the regex support, but restricts it to OpenAFS super-users and -localauth only. This is sufficient to restore the OpenAFS 'backup' system's ability to work correctly with any previously supported volume set. The OpenAFS 'backup' commands are already documented to require super-user authorization, so this restriction is moot for the backup system. There are no other direct consumers of the VL_ListAttributesN2() regex support in the OpenAFS tree. However, the VL_ListAttributesN2 RPC is publicly accessible and might be used by third party tools directly or indirectly via OpenAFS's libadmin. Any such tools that issue VL_ListAttributesN2 RPCs must now be executed using super-user or -localauth tokens. None of the other security fixes in OpenAFS 1.6.13 are known to have any issues, and are still included unchanged in OpenAFS 1.6.14. If there are any questions concerning the possible impact of OpenAFS 1.6.13 or 1.6.14 at your site, please contact your OpenAFS support provider or the mailing list for further assistance.